NACCON GmbH uses different sources such as Wikipedia, printed publications, videos, public libraries, expert knowledge, local guides, onsite visits and investigations for the development of the media files in application. If you believe you have identified any material such as text and pictures, which from your point of view may violate your intellectual property rights, please contact us with relelvant evidence and documentation proving this violation.
If your claim proves to be well-reasoned, we will remove the content from the app immediately. NACCON GmbH cannot held liable for third party violation of any intellectual property rights (IRPs), if NACCON GmbH can prove that your IRPs have been breached by contracted third parties despite its comprehensive quality-assurance system being in place.

2.1. All Intellectual Property Rights in this digital product, any modification, adaptation, update, upgrade or improvement of the same belong to NACCON GmbH. A violation of the intellectual property rights will be brought before the court in Tübingen, Germany. All such Intellectual Property Rights of Naccon GmbH are hereby reserved.

2.2. All Intellectual Property Rights on content and other materials accessible on this application is owned solely by Naccon GmbH or its suppliers unless stated otherwise in the application. None of the content or the other materials may be copied or reproduced without the expressed consent of Naccon GmbH.

2.3. The application may contain links to other websites and/or portals owned by third parties (“Third Party Sites”), and these links to Third Party Sites are provided for your convenience only. Naccon GmbH will take no responsibility for the web content or availability of such Third Party Sites. If you access a link to a Third Party Sites you leave this application and therefore do so at your own risk.

2.4. Note that the existence of links to Third Party Sites on the application does not imply that Naccon GmbH in any way endorses or is associated with such Third Party Sites or that any linked Third Party Sites is authorized to use copyright material, the trade mark or logo of Naccon GmbH.

2.5. Except where expressly set out otherwise, users may not copy or use any material from the application without permission from Naccon GmbH. Users may not remove or change any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right notices contained in the original material or from any material copied or printed off from the application or site. Users must only use the application and anything available from the application for lawful purposes and users must comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations.

2.6. All intellectual property rights in any material (including maps, text, photographs and other images and sound, trademarks and logos) contained in this application and site are either owned by NACCON GmbH or have been licensed to NACCON GmbH by the rights owner(s) so that NACCON GmbH may use this material within this application. If you find that one or more of the materials contained are in breach of your copyright, please notify us to address this. Users are only allowed to use the application and the materials contained within, as set out in these Terms and Conditions. In cases of any unauthorized use of content we will take legal action against the party in breach of these property rights.